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Home Advanced Data Analysis – Big Data Analytics

Data Analysis: Discover the hidden value of data!

BIG DATA Technology - Experts in advanced data analysis - Business Intelligence - Data Analytics - Descriptive Analytics - Diagnostic Analytics - Predictive Analytics - Prescriptive Analytics - Big Data Analytics Agency

Are you ready to make the best strategic decisions and increase your business volume? With our data analysis solutions (Business Intelligence), you will be able to anticipate the current and future needs of your company.


At FLIN & ASSOCIATES we are YOUR agency specialized in Big Data Analytics!


Discover our Spanish web site – where we turn the data of your business and/or your online presence into a source of wealth and knowledge!




What does “advanced data analytics” mean?


Behind the huge amount of data generated by companies around the world today lies a wealth of information. This information is valuable enough within a company in order to invest time and money in locating it and making it understandable. This is called “advanced data analytics”.


Advanced data analytics serves to extract the important information resident in the data that is generated at the organizational and external level, being able to cross all the data and thus improving the information obtained.


There are four types of advanced analytics, the first is descriptive analytics, the second is diagnostic analytics, the third is predictive analytics and finally there is prescriptive analytics.




The data analysis is in charge of answering the following questions:


What has happened in my business?


Why has this happened in my company?


What will happen in my business?


How can we make a determined scenario actually happen?




Here are the basics on BIG DATA technology:


Data has become one of the greatest assets of many companies. In the midst of the information age, the large Internet multinationals earn millions in revenue from their user databases and their analysis.


Small and medium sized companies MUST introduce Big Data, and with it, data analytics, into their business strategy. Depending on the business model, this implementation can mean a great value generation for the company at all levels.


Our field of analysis has many variables, that is why we like to work on customized projects for each client.

Need help? Contact our team of experts in Big Data!

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